Keong Villas® is not responsible for the inherent risks caused by unfortunate accidents or incidents under ordinary travel conditions. Keong Villas® is not responsible for injuries or death, damage, loss, delays, costs, expenses, or inconveniences derived from travel misfortunes beyond our control. Keong Villas® will not accept responsibility for the client’s late arrival or the disappearance of their surfboards, surfboard cases, or any other piece of luggage. Keong Villas® is not responsible for health problems derived from environmental factors, including surfing, during their stay. We are not responsible for damage or loss caused by other traveling clients. Please, bear in mind that we are not responsible for loss or damage to your personal equipment or your property during your stay with us or while taking part in any of our activities. We will not accept responsibility for injuries suffered during your stay with us or while taking part in any of our activities. We will not accept responsibility for delays, extra expenses or inconveniences directly or indirectly caused by events out of our control, i.e.: late arrival of international or domestic flights, civil disturbances, fires, floods, unusually bad weather, force majeure causes, government acts or failure of any machinery or equipment.
If your booking gets affected by Covid-19 travel restrictions, you are hereby provided additional flexibility to reschedule your booking.
No rescheduling fee or other penalties will apply if having a COVID-19 related complication affecting your ability to travel. Such as: border closure, flight cancellation, medical reasons as a positive test.
In such circumstances, your deposited money shall be applied as a credit to be used toward a future booking.
Travel Insurance is mandatory for all Keong Villas® guests.
Keong Villas
E-mail: [email protected]
Whats App : +62 813 5317 7264